Sunday, December 8, 2019

Relevance Of National Male Health Policy †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Relevance Of National Male Health Policy? Answer: Introduction National Male Health Policy was developed in 2010 following election commitment that the Australian government made in 2007. The foundation of the policy was the stories Australian male right to access to health care resources and information throughout Australia. In addition, the policy laid the ground for improving male health through creation of health awareness and prevention of health problem affecting Australian male such as poor health outcomes, health access barrier and poor use of health resources. The projected result from implementation of this Policy is good health that is coupled with enjoyment of family life and increase life expectancy among Australian male. The main focus of this policy analysis and critique is to analyze the relevance of National Male Health Policy in the current health care system in Australia. Relevance of National Male Health Policy The National Male Health Policy is relevant in the current health care system since the government has come up with the strategy to address health challenges Australian male face. In order to solve male challenges the Policy focus on focuses on three key issues that remain relevant to health care system in Australia. The relevance of The National Male Health Policy can be viewed from difference perspective. These include social, economic, political and legal relevance (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2010). Social relevance of policy The policy seeks to provide optimal health outcomes for males. The National Male Health Policy seeks to the policy ensures optimum outcome of health care among the male with health problems. In addition, the strategy assists the government to provide quality health to all gender as oppose to previous female priorities. The policy restores the value of male in the family and community. Secondly, health equity between populations groups of males. The Policy creates equity in health care through promoting good health services to disadvantaged males among indigenous communities such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males. The main approach in this priority is social approach to promoting equity health care services (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2005). Economic relevance The Policy provides framework for preventive health among Australian male and this reduce the economic challenges associated with poor health care (Applied Economics, 2003). The policy also incorporates employers to contribute toward health care services to lift the poor health outcomes of Australian male employee. Moreover, the policy reduces the workplace hazards that male employee faces throughout Australia. Solving key issues that affect Australian male require reducing economic strains caused be treatment of stress related problems and subsequently making male reproductive at workplace (Deeks, Lombard, Michelmore Teede, 2009). Political relevance As the mandate of Australian government the policy fulfill the government election promise of improving access to health care for male. Offers good health care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males is the key strategy that the Australian government uses to transform health care system. In addition, data male health is used to build evidence based male health improvement by National Longitudinal Study on Male Health. Finding lasting solution to challenges affecting men is a political milestone for the government. Furthermore, development of The National Male Health Policy is political objective for the Australian government (ABS, 2008). Legal relevance The constitution mandates the government to come up with policies that regulate services provision. As stated in the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2008), the health care should uphold human right regardless of the gender or ethnicity. The Policy considers the right of Australian male despite the previous attempt to uphold women rights. The right of Australian male has been violated due to limited access to health care services, inequities in health care services provision and vulnerability to poor health care services. National Male Health Policy therefore enjoys constitutional privileges in bid to correct this health problems faced by Australian male (National Preventative Health Taskforce, 2009). The National Male Health Policy In summary, the National Male Health Policy advances the need to provide good health care to Australian male. The policy is founded on the foundation of strengthening male, creation of health awareness, optimum health outcome and importance of Australian male. The policy works to transform the health care system so as to lay foundation for encouraging Australian male in the socio-cultural way that lift the status of men more than is previously believed in Australia. Moreover, the National Male Health Policy laid ground to reduce health care injustices that has been experience by marginalized communities living in Australia due to disparities in health care provision. Some of the communities that are the main target are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. National Male Health Policy remains relevant to the health care system to date since it touches economic, political, legal and socio-cultural aspects of Australian male (Applied Economics, 2003). POLICY ANALYSIS National Male Health Policy was developed due to the challenges that faces Australian male. The health care system in Australia had many problems that needed improvement. Some of the problems in Australian health systems are high mortality rate, health inequalities, limited access to health care, poor health and poor health care outcomes. High mortality rate Studies show that the mortality rate among Australian males is high as compared to female counterpart. The mortality rate is accompanied with low life expectancy of 78.7 years compared to 83.7 years for females. The mortality rate is due to disparities that are found in health care provision. In addition, drug abuse for instance smoking is rampart among Australian male making their health condition poor. This gives room for policy that can create awareness among Australian male on male health (World Health Organization Global Forum on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, 2001). Health inequities The life expectancy among male that is 78.7 years though is one of the highest in the world is still lower as compared with life expectancy of female. Contributing factor for the difference in life expectancy between male and female result from inequalities in health care services provision that is experience in the health sector. Previously Australian female were given first priority when it come to health care services, the government had to come up with solution to reduce health care inequities (ABS, 2011). Limited access to health care services The health system in Australia was couple with limited accessibility of health care services and injustices experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males. Australian male have few clinical facilities that offer male health care. This is worst among the disadvantaged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males (AIHW, 2011). Poor health and health care outcomes Poor health condition that Australian male lives in that are characterized by obesity, smoking, drug addiction and poor exercise leads to poor health conditions. Poor health care outcomes are also attributed to poor health conditions. Some indigenous males such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males have poor access to health care services that result in poor health outcomes (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2008). Policy Framework The problems that are part of Australian health care services need the necessary framework to tackle. The framework for policy includes community impact, effectiveness, expected media reception and constitutional framework (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners). Community impact The policy touches some of the community challenges that affects families and adoption means the community reaction is positive. For a long time the moral and dignity of Australian male has been fading away and completely replaced by contemporary culture that limit the status of Australian male in the society. The National Male Health Policy seeks to restore the respect, interest and quality life of male population. This implies that the Policy has the social framework that impacts the community directly (Hill, 2008). Cost Effectiveness A brief cost analysis indicates that the National Male Health Policy made the government to incur cost to ensure the health of Australian male is improved. Though the Australian male pay for health services offered at clinics, the policy remains economically effective. The government allocated funds to implement the Policy as a strategy to improve health care services (Applied Economics, 2003). Expected media reception Upon the launch of National Male Health Policy, the media received the policy through publication of expert analysis. Different experts provided analysis to the political impact of the policy in the society. In addition, several politicians were invited during talk shows to give their side view on the National Male Health Policy. Though the overall media reception was deemed positive few online users reticulated the policy as gender bias and male oriented. Finally, the media provided some of the weaknesses of the policy that needed improvement especially implementation (Halford, 2000). Constitutional framework As reported by Richardson (2004), its the government constitutional mandate to develop and implement policies that regulate the health sector. Different legal experts also provided the legal basis of the National Male Health Policy and its relevance to Australian health care service up-to-date. Importantly enough, constitution provide the legal framework for conceptualization of health care policies. The government therefore put all the legal think tank for the analysis of impact of formulating a health policy such as National Male Health Policy. Analyse The Current Literature Objectives of health care policy In order to achieve good male health policy there are several objectives that need to be met. Some of the objectives of good male health policy are optimal health outcomes, equity health provision, safety health care services, injury prevention and accessible health care services. According to National Preventative Health Taskforce (2009), equity health provision is the primary objective of health care policy. The outcome of research on health provision among both male and female population the research indicated that a substantive number of male die as compared to the number of female. Another study by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2008) also shows that the Potential Years of Life Lost is higher among Australian male due to a number of diseases that are preventable. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2005) reported that the policy options need to equalize the health care services to both gender since Australian male has suffered due to inequalities between male and female. Begg et al (2007), shows that safety health care service is another key health priority of the government not only in Australia but also in the world. Patients that are admitted in the hospitals throughout the country normally safer from injury that may occur in health care facilities. According to Gardner Barraclough (2008), the most vulnerable for injury are men since there is common notion that male population is tolerance to difficult conditions. As compared to female who require high level of attention, attendance to male gender remains low in most health facilities. Marginalization of male gender points to the need for policy transformation to improve health safety among male patients. All Australians are entitle to accessible health care service regardless of gender and ethnicity. As Bridgman and Davis (2000) explains many Australian males were suffering from inaccessible health care services the condition with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males has worse than that of any other groups of Australians. The worse health conditions characterized with less accessible health services prompted the government to look for lasting solution. According to Australian Government (2009), the government always have goal of accessible health care to achieve. COAG (2008) reported that it is the mandate of health care department to develop policies that ensure accessible health care services to all Australian male. Decision parameters Policy development and implementation takes into account some parameters that help in decision making. These parameters include resources that are needed, timeframe and priorities. Pool of resources is needed to make decision concerning the policy and these may include human resources, financial resources, political will and good legal backup. AIHW (2011) cites human resources composition of key stakeholders in the health care system. Human resources according to Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council (2008) include health practitioners, care providers and consultation from male themselves. Favorable political will is needed at the development and implementation stage of the health policy. In addition, as stated by Adams (2006), key government officials are involved in decision making pertaining policy. Moreover, consultation with the male patients provides information on key touchy issues that the policy needs to address. The legal backup is important since it provides the grounds for regulation of activities of the health system. Finally, financial resources are crucial for creation of health awareness and campaigning during the public involvement in th e development of policy. Major priorities to consider when developing health policy focuses mostly on the need of Australian male, equity health services, improved health among age groups, and reduction of poor health. Firstly, the basis of policy development according to Halford (2000) understands the need of Australian male. Australian male is faced with many challenges that need to be addresses the fore most important need is health care services. Secondly, as stated by Australian Bureau of Statistics (2008) Australian government policy development considers equity in health provision as the solution for male marginalization. Thirdly, report by World Health Organization Commission on Social Determinants of Health (2008) also campaign for reduction of poor health lifestyle among Australian male characterized by drug addiction, obesity and limited exercise. Recommendation For Change Some of the alternatives solutions to the problems experience by Australian male are health education, counseling and health insurance. There is need to develop health education program that aim to provide education to Australian male. Certain issues such as dealing with stress, healthy eating, good exercise, reduction of alcohol consumption and good sleep male should be taught. Australian government should come up with good educational policy that target men visiting health care facilities to train them on good healthy living. According to McEachan, Lawton, Jackson Lunt (2008), the strategy is tied to economic benefits such as reduced financial challenges due to medical treatment. As Hill (2008) cites good and healthy living reduce stress and lower health risk associated with mental strain during body activities. Healthy living also as explained reduce risk of contacting cancer since male clients can be trained on eating food that reduce cancer risk. Finally, educating Australian male also impact them with need to apply a preventive approach such as health assessment on life threatening conditions such as cancer. Building strong counseling policy is another option that is good for helping Australian male. For this strategy the health service department needs to formulate policy that incorporates counseling as the core option for assessing the challenges male faces in health care system. Research conducted by Ring OBrien (2007) shows that counseling help reduce stress by 40% due to reduction of mental tension. Similar research by World Health Organization (2001) also cites that some of male patients suffer a lot due to stress caused by family related challenges. To solve these challenges patients need proper counseling before leaving hospital facility. Counseling is particularly touching social framework and economic benefits since its deals with family issues hence production at workplace. Another policy option is investment in health insurance for employed and non-employed male population. The government needs to come up with health insurance policy that can make employers to consider working with health care system to ensure that male employees have health insurance. In addition, workplace hazards or injuries should be reduced under this policy to protect male population from being endangered (World Health Organization Global Forum on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, 2001). According to economic experts this is cost effective since dividing some of employees payment to secure their health assist in treatment in case of any workplace accidents. This will also save some marginalized male such as those from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. Health insurance policy also helps increase health care accessibility among the male populations. Finally, employers need to reduce workplace harassment of male population so as to restore the dignity of male gender in Au stralia (ABS, 2011). Conclusion In conclusion, cross analysis of National Male Health Policy reveals that Australian male has been marginalized in the society. Some of the issues that are revealed in the National Male Health Policy analysis are low accessibility of health care services, poor health care outcomes, inequity in health care provision, high mortality rate and poor health living. The health services has been inaccessible to most Australian males with the worst being among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males (AIHW, 2011). Most of male attending health care facilities show that the health outcomes are not satisfactory as compared to female counterpart. The poor health outcomes are accompanied with high mortality rate. The mortality rate is high as compared to the mortality rate among Australian female. Similarly the analysis revealed that Australian male has been experiencing inequity health care provision as much attention is given to female counterpart. Finally, the health conditions are wors t among male characterized with heavy smoking, obesity and alcohol addiction In order to solve the above challenges affecting Australian male National Male Health Policy provides framework for optimum health outcomes, accessible health services, equity health provision, preventive approach and health awareness. National Male Health Policy seeks to improve the health outcomes up to optimum as compared to the previous outcomes. The policy highlighted strategies that create accessible health care services for male gender. To fulfill constitutional mandate the policy also outline the necessary steps to provide equity health services. The policy also cites some preventive approaches that are taken to prevent health problems as oppose to treatment. Finally the National Male Health Policy also lobby different pressure groups to campaign for health awareness among Australian male (Applied Economics, 2003). The policy analysis finally came up with some solutions to ensure effective implementation of the policy citing some changes that need to make. The policy addresses some education of male, health insurance and counseling. The analysis identified male education as one of the solution to problem affecting Australian male. Studies suggest that educating Australian male on the need for health living is important for ensuring good implementation of National Male Health Policy. Health insurance strategy is another proposed solution to health challenges witnessed in the health system. Health insurance connects workplace and health care facility to ensure good health care service among employed males. Finally, counseling is another proposed solution for health disparities. Counseling creates health awareness and solve the stress issues that affect male health. Counseling can work independently as a policy to improve health and also as part of implementation of National Male Health Policy (Au stralian Health Ministers Advisory Council, 2008). Reference ABS, National Health Survey 2007-08 Summary of Results. Cat 4364.0. AIHW, Diabetes: Australian Facts 2008. ABS, (2011), Australian Social trends, Data cube-health (No. 4102.0). Retrieved 22 May 2012 from Adams M (2006) Raising the profile of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders mens health: An Indigenous mans perspective, Australian Aboriginal Studies, 2, pp.68-74 AIHW, (2011), 2010 National drug strategy household survey report. Canberra, Australia: AIHW. Applied Economics, (2003), Returns on Investment in Public Health: An Epidemiological and Economic Analysis. Canberra, Australia: Department of Health and Ageing. or cite this way? 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